The Difference Makers Helmond, an initiative of Humanitas Helmond, focuses on guiding young people in their volunteer work in the city. To generate more awareness for this program, they decided to create a powerful cinema commercial. This blog takes a look at the creative collaboration between the young people and our team, the impact of the commercial, and our contribution to society.
Collaboration with Young People
In close collaboration with the young people, we as a crew set out to select the faces and locations that would form the core of their story. While some worked on the logo, others provided valuable input for the voice-over text. This collaboration gave us insight into what The Difference Makers truly means for young people – a sense of belonging, the ability to make a difference for others, warmth, and friendship.
The Power of the Rule of Three
To make an impact with this film and establish the organization’s identity, we utilized the powerful rule of three. The style of the film and the recognizable logo served as triggers for the audience, prompting them to take action multiple times. In addition to the cinema commercial, banners were placed outside the cinema with the same visual style. Furthermore, we offered visual content to support The Difference Makers in their social media campaign, ensuring that young people were reminded of The Difference Makers Helmond in various ways.
Our Societal Contribution
As filmmakers, we consider it crucial to contribute to societal issues. Collaborating with organizations like Humanitas Helmond not only gives us satisfaction but also provides the opportunity to make a positive impact. We are grateful to have contributed to the creation of a beautiful, personal film that hopefully inspires young people to volunteer for others.